Our History

The culture collections of algae at the University “Federico II” of Naples started in 1973 by Roberto Taddei, and was initially planned as a collection of Cyanidium caldarium strains from different acid-thermal sites of Italy.
The exploration covered mainly Central, South Italy and Sicily.
Low Ph Environments
Acidity develops from the oxidation , either spontaneous or by action of chemiotrophic bacteria, of sulphur and sulphides to sulphuric acid (Brock ,1978).
In Italy three main low pH environments can be found:
1. Sulphur springs - Springs whose hot water is brought to the surface together with sulfurous gases. In sulphur hot springs, temperature may reach also 100°C near the source, but water and soils dramatically cool few meter far from the source. Sulphides are constantly liberated from the spring and oxidated to sulphuric acid.
2. Fumaroles - Fumaroles are fissures of rocks or soils emitting gases, due to the presence of volcanic magma or hot igneous rocks located near to the earth surface. Fumaroles emitting sulfurous vapors form surface deposits of sulfur-rich minerals which can be oxidized to sulfuric acid, leading to very low pH values.
3. Sulphur mines - The geological formation of Messinian age, called "gessoso solfifera" is typical of Sicily. This formation is characterized by large amounts of gypsum, potassium salts, sodium chlorates and other compounds. Sulfur can be present at the surface of this formation, where is oxidized to sulphuric acid.
General information
The Algae Collection (ACUF) at the Department of Biology of the University of Naples (Federico II) was founded in 1974 by Professors Roberto Taddei, Gabriele Pinto and Patrizia Albertano. The collection is represented by more than 950 strains, mostly belonging to the Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta. Extremophilic algae (thermo-acidophilic and acidotolerant strains isolated from European and extra-European acidic sites) are well represented (over 500 strains). Currently, almost all genera and species of Cyanidiophyceae are maintained in culture, with particular emphasis on the genus Galdieria. Most of the strains have been isolated by the ACUF team, some have been deposited by other researchers or obtained from culture collections. The majority of strains are available to the public. ACUF is an associate member of the MIRRI-IT JRU, (Italian Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure), which in turn is a country member of MIRRI-ERIC, the pan-European distributed Research Infrastructure for the preservation, systematic investigation, provision and valorisation of microbial resources and biodiversity.
Antonino Pollio - curator (anpollio@unina.it)
Antonino De Natale - conservator, data manager (denatale@unina.it)
Claudia Ciniglia - Cyanidiophytina taxonomy and phylogeny (claudia.CINIGLIA@unicampania.it)
Olga De Castro - Cyanobacteria and Chlorophyta taxonomy and phylogeny (odecastr@unina.it)
Roberta De Stasio - ISO 9001 supervisor (roberta.destasio@unina.it)
Sergio Sorbo -SEM-TEM microscopy (sergio.sorbo@unina.it)
Post-doc, Ph.D. and master students:
Elena Aurino
Luca De Crescenzo
Marzia Licata
Luigi Marra
Nunzia Nappi
Feliciana Oliva
Domenico Palatucci